
Saturday, August 26, 2006

Modeling New Orleans after Denver?

Slate Magazine yesterday published online an article written by architect and critic Witold Rybczynksi on how the residential and commercial sector of New Orleans could be rebuilt successfully by following the model Denver has used in several reconstructive efforts there.

I'm not necessarily a huge fan of the architecture in Denver, but it is refreshing to see there are visionaries out there still, almost 1-year since the disaster, offering advice on the city I loved and lived in until the storm, based on the city I was born and raised in.

Previously, several architecture firms came up with the Katrina Cottage to replace FEMA trailers, which in my opinion look like garbage and an insult to those forced to live in them.

Here is the full Slate article. Thanks Heather O, another Denver/Nola kid, for sending this one my way.


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