
Monday, February 20, 2006


Muslim leaders have condemned the use of violence across the world over the cartoon a Denmark paper, Jyllands-Posten, published in January – the Muslim people do not care. More blood must be shed.

The most infamous cartoon, one of 12, is shown here, and just yesterday resulted in the deaths of 16 people and 11 churches in Nigeria. Protests have been continuing across the world, almost all violently, including Turkey, Libya, and Pakistan.

While the other two major religions of this planet don't have the greatest record either, I can't help but bring up even further proof of this deadly, dark religion of Islam - if you have a chance: Look up the two following words on google:

1. Ashoura

2. FGM

Two more reasons another major religion is causing severe pain, suffering, and in my humble opinion, evil.


Blogger Catherine and Pat Cole said...

Religion has a track record of causing pain and bringing evil into the world but often times it is used as an excuse to justify it. Islamic leaders around the world condemn violence as do the Christian leaders and Hindu leaders. Religion is a good thing, without it a society of relativism and apathy might/already prevail, but the religious ideals must superseed the mindset to the people associated with these organizations.

12:21 AM


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