
Tuesday, December 13, 2005

American Failure.

I have no more faith in this administration. I cannot throw anymore jokes or insults their way, because they are no longer a joke. Their preparation and response to our own domestic disasters has left more than a black-eye in the face of our great nation. The current government of the United States has turned its head to the bullet speeding, more accurately - creeping, towards us, of impending emergencies, with a mere "nervous tick motion of the head to the left."

And I see no hope in the future for any other administration of our current so-called democracy. Capitol Hill, whether democrat or republican, has become the equivalent of two rich fraternities, solely based on extremist views. There is a rift that has left a vast group of Americans who mean well, do well, and know well, with nobody to represent. With hundreds of people dead in the water, literally, in the Gulf of Mexico. With thousdans of loyal service men and women blown to pieces in the desert. I have no solution to offer. I would serve this country should my way of life for those around me come into jeopardy, but why can our own executive branch not do so now, already under oath? I will push on to make end's meet for myself, my family, my friends, and those in need when I can.

That is my only purpose as an American.


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